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 2023-12-10 21:51:07   爱真题   908 

第一大题  语法与词汇

1、 ______ girl carried ______ book and ______ umbrella in her hands.

A. A; a; an       B. A; the; a          C. A; /; /           D. The; the; the

2、 Please turn to ______ right.

A. a               B. an                 C. the                D. /

3、 Kill two birds ______ one stone.

A. with             B. on                 C. in                 D. have

4、 His mother is in her ______.

A. eighty          B. eighties            C. eighties           D. eightis

5、 He is getting ______.

A. old and old      B. older and old        C. old and older       D. older and older

6、 The first time we met was ______ a restaurant.

A. at               B. on                 C. of                 D. with

7、 They usually begin to work ______ seven o'clock in the morning.

A. on               B. in                   C. to                  D. at

8、 Lisa ______ have received my letter, otherwise she would have called me.

A. will              B. must                C. can                 D. would

9、 He ______ a lot when he wrote something.

A. smoke           B. smoking             C. smoked             D. had smoked

10、 ______ fast he works!

A. How           B. What               C. How many          D. Very

11、 He ______ in Beijing in 2008.

A. lived            B. lives                C. living               D. had live

12、 Although he is weak, ______ he is still working hard.

A. but            B. also                C. /                  D. and

13、 The singer is said ______ a lecture next week.

A. giving                                   B. have given

C. to give                                  D. having given

14、 The classroom needs ______.

A. cleaned                                 B. cleaning

C. being cleaned                           D. clean

15、 Her book ______ first published in 1985.

A. was             B. were                C. had been           D. are

16、 Mary wishes that she ______ English instead of business when she was in university.

A. had studied                          B. study

C. studied                                 D. had been studying

17、 Had she worked harder, she ______ the exams.

A. must have got through                   B. would have got through

C. will get through                         D. has got through

18、 My brothers ______ here, but not any more.

A. were used to living                      B. had lived

C. used to live                             D. had been living

19、 ______ a doctor in a hospital, one must have at least a master's degree.

A. To become      B. Become             C. One becomes        D. On becoming

20、 He doesn't permit ______ in class.

A. talk            B. talking             C. to talk             D. to have a talk

第二大题  多项选择题



A. evaluate    B. peakise    C. godeusa    D. justisis


A. goodwill    B. goodman    C. goodji    D. gooders


A. beyond    B. befons    C. beraty    D. becannis


A. contain    B. come    C. comitiser    D. cunoins


A. purseu    B. putisa    C. puddaka    D. puduso


A. quality    B. quatalu    C. qualida    D. quotation


A. crops    B. car    C. cookys    D. coolaful


A. combuta    B. comcusa    C. computer    D. company


A. ace    B. ice    C. bice    D. dasise


A. intense    B. insence    C. intention    D. insktention

第三大题  完形填空

There was once a large, fat woman who had a small, thin husband. He had a job in a big company and was given his weekly  31   every Friday evening. As soon as he got home  32   Friday, his wife used to make him give her all his money, and then she used to give him  33   only enough to buy his lunch in the office every day.

One day the small man came  34   very excited and he hurried into the living room, His wife  35   to the radio and eating chocolates. "You'll never guess  36   happened to me today, dear," he said. He waited for  37   seconds and then added, "I  38   ten thousand pounds on the lottery!"

"That's  39  !" said his wife delightedly. But then she thought for a few seconds and added angrily, "But wait a moment!  40   could you afford to buy the ticket?"

31、 A. fine               B. expense              C. money               D. wages

32、 A. on               B. in                   C. for                  D. by

33、 A. up               B. back                C. out                 D. in

34、 A. house            B. room                C. home               D. family

35、 A. listens           B. listened             C. is listening          D. was listening

36、 A. what            B. that                C. why                D. which

37、 A. few             B. a little             C. a few              D. little

38、 A. earn             B. won                 C. am winning         D. will win

39、 A. terrible           B. worse               C. bad                 D. wonderful

40、 A. How           B. What               C. Why               D. How much

第四大题  阅读理解


In Britain and the US most people are careful about time. If they want to see a friend, or meet a business colleague, they telephone first to make an appointment. A lot of people don't like surprises. They want to know when a visitor is going to arrive.

If people make an arrangement to meet, it's polite to arrive a few minutes early. Of course, everyone is late occasionally. Cars break down, trains are delayed and meetings go on too long. If people are late, they would say sorry, and explain what happened. Sometimes it's impossible to keep an appointment. But if people fail to arrive, the other person will be upset. They will make phone calls to explain. In some countries, people may spend time chatting and drinking tea or coffee before they start a business meeting—but not in Britain or the US. There, they like to talk about business first and chat later—if there's time.

Office hours in Britain and the US are usually from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m., but some offices open at 8:30 or 9:30 and do not close until 5:30 or 6:00. People usually spend about one hour for lunch(between 12:00 and 1:00). Shops open at 9:00 or 9:30, and stay open until 5:30 or 6:00. And people often refer to their everyday work as work from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

41、 What will people in Britain and the US do if they want to see a friend or meet a business colleague? ______

A. They telephone first.                     B. They do nothing.

C. They mail first.                           D. They talk to each other.

42、 You should ______ if you make an arrangement to meet.

A. arrive a few minutes late                  B. arrive a few minutes early

C. arrive on time                            D. wear a suit

43、 If people fail to arrive, the other person will be ______.

A. upset                                     B. downset

C. good                                     D. bad

44、 What will not British and American people do before they start a business meeting? ______

A. Arrive a few minutes early.                B. Make an appointment.

C. Make a telephone call.                   D. Drink tea or coffee.

45、 Office hours in Britain and the US are usually from ______ until ______.

A. 8a.m.; 6p.m.                          B. 9a.m.; 6p.m.

C. 9a.m.; 5p.m.                         D. 8a.m.; 5p.m.

第五大题  阅读理解


Remember that employers generally prefer to take on one person for the whole long period rather than have several people for short periods. If you are able to work for longer than the minimum period quoted, you are more likely to be offered the job.

Most employers like to make their staff arrangements in good time, so try to apply early but never earlier than the date mentioned in the job advertisement. If you decide quite late to look for a job, write to several employers. Positions continue to become vacant as people leave for various reasons, and if you write to several firms you will probably be successful.

Before applying for a position, check that you fulfill all the requirements as to the period of work, age and qualifications.

Compose a short letter explaining which position interests you, why you think you are suitable for it, and the maximum time you are available. If possible, type this letter; if not, take care to see that the handwriting is legible.

Enclose with your letter a standard CV(简历), covering the following points and any others you consider relevant.

a. Personal details(name, address, telephone number, nationality, age, marital status).

b. Subjects studied if you are a student, otherwise your present occupation.

c. Relevant qualifications and previous work experience.

Enclose a small recent photograph of yourself.

Employers are more likely to reply promptly if you enclose an s.a.e. (self-addressed envelope) or, if you are applying from abroad, an international reply coupon.

When a job is offered to you, cheek details of wages, hours, and the conditions of work with the employer. The details in the information sheet are supplied by the employer and are normally correct, but it is wise to obtain confirmation of them before accepting the position.

If you are offered more than one job, decide quickly which one you prefer and inform all employers of your decision as soon as possible.

46、 You are more likely to be offered the job if you are ______.

A. handsome

B. skillful

C. able to work for longer than the minimum period quoted

D. able to work for shorter than the minimum period quoted

47、 What should you do before applying for a position? ______

A. Make sure that you fulfill all the requirements.

B. Find someone you know.

C. Buy a new ear for your transportation.

D. Make sure that you know where the company is.

48、 A standard CV should cover ______.

A. subjects that you studied                  B. books that you read

C. TV programs that you watched            D. ears that you owned

49、 If you are offered more than one job, you should ______.

A. decide quickly   B. decide slowly        C. ask for help         D. do nothing

50、 The passage mainly talks about ______.

A. how to be a teacher                      B. how to find your love

C. how to apply for a job                   D. how to quit a job

第六大题  阅读理解


The sea is very big. Look at a map of the world. There is less land than sea. The sea covers three quarters of the world.

The sea is very deep in some places. There is one spot, near Japan, where the sea is nearly 11 kilometers deep. The highest mountain in the world is about 9 kilometers high. If that mountain were put into the sea at that place, there would be 2 kilometers of water above it.

If you have swum in the sea, you know that it is salty(咸的). You can taste the salt. Rivers, which flow into the sea, carry salt from the land into the sea. Some parts of the sea are less salty than other parts. There is one sea, called the Dead Sea, which is very salty. Because it is very salty, swimmers cannot sink! Fish cannot live in the Dead Sea.

In most parts of the sea, there are plenty of fishes and plants. Some live near the top of the sea, others live deep down. There are also millions of tiny living things that float in the sea. These floating things are very small. It is hard to see them. Many fish live by eating these.

The sea can be very cold. Divers, who dive deep down in the sea, know this. On the top the water may be warm. When the diver goes downwards, the sea becomes colder and colder.

Another thing happens. When the diver goes deeper, the water above presses down on him. It squeezes(挤压) him. Then the diver has to wear clothes made of metal.

51、 The highest mountain in the world is ______ high.

A. about nine kilometers                     B. about eleven kilometers

C. nearly two kilometers                     D. twenty kilometers

52、 Which of the following is NOT true? ______

A. Fish cannot live in the salty sea.

B. The sea gets its salt from rivers.

C. Different parts of the sea have different amount of salt.

D. There is no fish in the Dead Sea.

53、 The deeper divers go down in the sea, ______.

A. the warmer the sea becomes              B. the colder they find the sea is

C. the less the water above presses down     D. the heavier their clothes must be

54、 The diver has to wear clothes made of ______.

A. metal            B. plastic              C. nylon               D. copper

55、 What is mainly talked about in the text? ______

A. The depth of the sea.                     B. The fishes in the sea.

C. The temperature of the sea.              D. The sea in the world.

第七大题  阅读理解


My wife and I only had one child. It might have been nice to have a son, but we didn't plan a family; we just had Amy.

I see her as my best friend. I think she'd always come to me first if she had a problem. We have the same sense of humor, and share interests. I don't mind animals, but she's completely obsessed with them, and she has always had dogs, cats, horses, and goldfish in her life.

We were closest when she was about four, which I think is a lovely age for a child. They know the parents best, and don't have outside contacts. She must have grown up suddenly when she went to school, because I remembered her growing away from her family slightly. Any father who has a teenage

daughter comes across an extraordinary collection of people, and there seemed to be an endless stream of strange young men coming through our house. By the time I learned their names they'd gone away and I had to start learning a new lot. I remember I told her off once in front of her friends and she didn't talk to me for days afterwards.

I wanted more than anything else for her to be happy in what she was doing, and I was prepared to pull strings to help her on her way. She went to a good school, but that didn't work out. She must have upset somebody. When she left she decided she wanted to become an actress so I got her into drama school. It wasn't to her liking so she joined a theater group and began doing bits and pieces in films. She was doing well, but then gave it up. She probably found it boring. Then she took up social work, and finally went to work for a designer and he became her husband. And that's really the story of her life. She must be happy with him—they're always together.

56、 What is the name of the author's daughter? ______

A. Amy.            B. Amily.              C. Andy.               D. Alex.

57、 The author sees his daughter as ______.

A. his love                                  B. his teacher

C. his best friend                          D. his little baby

58、 What did the author's daughter want to become? ______

A. An actress.       B. A musician.         C. A teacher.          D. A designer.

59、 What does Amy's husband do? ______

A. An actress.       B. A musician.         C. A teacher.          D. A designer.

60、 The author and his daughter were closest when the daughter was about ______.

A. three             B. four                 C. five                 D. six

第八大题  阅读理解


Public transportation in the 21st century is on the move, as more and more Americans are discovering the benefits of traveling on buses, trains, subways, trolleys and ferries.

Currently there are more than 6,400 providers of public and community transportation offering Americans freedom, opportunity and the choice to travel by means of public transportation other than a car. Investments in the nation's public transportation infrastructure are paying off, with many communities—large and small—expanding and modernizing their systems.

The benefits and importance of public transportation impact everyone, even those who may never board a train or bus, and Americans understand its value—so much that people are willing to tax themselves, if needed, to expand public transportation services. In recent years, voters around the country have overwhelmingly passed local public transportation ballot measures.

Public transportation is critical to the nation's transportation system and is essential to the economic and social quality of life of its citizens.

Through the development and deployment of the 21st century technology, today's riders are finding that public transportation is a far cry from the transit systems in the past. Buses and trains are easy to get on and off with stops announced to riders. New information technology alerts passengers by e-mail or cellphone when the next bus or train is coming. People plan their trips on transit agency websites.

Public transportation helps everyone—commuters, families, students, senior citizens, persons with disabilities—live the American dreams that they seek to fulfill their personal and career goals, meet their daily needs and maintain a high level of transportation independence. Now, more than ever, it is evident that vital, strong public transportation systems are needed in the country.

61、 Why does the author say that public transportation in the 21st century is on the move? ______

A. Because more and more Americans are discovering the benefits of it.

B. Because more and more rich people are discovering the benefits of it.

C. Because people don't want to stay at home.

D. Because people feel free when they use public transportation.

62、 Americans are willing to tax themselves to expand transportation because ______.

A. they know the benefits and importance

B. they are rich

C. they want to spend some money

D. they are good people

63、 Public transportation is critical to ______.

A. the rich people                          B. the poor people

C. the nation's transportation system        D. the whole world

64、 According to the last paragraph, what is/are needed now? ______

A. Vital, strong public transportation systems.

B. A lot of money.

C. Help from other countries.

D. More buses.

65、 The passage mainly talks about ______.

A. public transportation                      B. the 21st century

C. American people                         D. Chinese people

第九大题  阅读理解


The most important thing to remember about the weather in Britain is that it often changes. You can wake to a beautiful blue sky and then it starts raining during breakfast. Similarly, you may decide not to go for a picnic because it's too wet—then later it's fine. As it is not very common in Britain to have long periods when the weather stays the same day after day, the kind of weather you get will depend not only on the time of year, but also on luck.

The weather in Britain may explain a lot about what you find here. For example, the opportunities for people to meet outside depend a lot on the weather, so you won't see people meeting and spending time together outdoors as much as you do in hotter countries. This may give some visitors the idea that the British are not very friendly. The weather helps to explain eating customs too; a large hot breakfast, for example, is a good idea on a cold dark morning.

Foreigners are often amused that the British spend so much time discussing the weather.  An important reason for this is that the climate in Britain is interesting and variable. Because the weather changes frequently, there is always something to say about it. This is probably the commonest way for strangers to start a conversation.

66、 The weather in Britain often ______.

A. changes          B. good                C. bad                 D. unchanged

67、 The opportunities for people to meet outside depend a lot on ______.

A. the mood                               B. the feeling

C. the weather                              D. the time

68、 ______ is a good idea on a cold dark morning.

A. Fruits    B. A large hot breakfast

C. A cup of tea    D. Rice and noodles

69、 The British spend so much time discussing ______.

A. football    B.Americans    C.the weather    D.foods

70、 Which is the best title for this passage? ______

A. The Weather in Britain    B.Let's Go for a Picnic

C. The Foreigners in Britain    D.Eating Customs

第十大题  翻译判断正误

71、 Language is a way of communicating with other people.


72、 Do you know how to get on with people?


73、 Sam is a track and field's biggest fan.


74、 His best magic trick is sawing a lady in half.


75、 Take a long look before you leap.



Xianggang is a shopping heaven.


Flying has always captivated me.


When we're in a group, we tend to think as that group does.


They all closed their ears to the wonder of music.


She looked at me in astonishment.

第十一大题  句子写作判断正误

81、 I saw a cartoon last Sunday.

82、 I took a taxi and went on a doctor.

83、 Liu Xiang was born in Shanghai.

84、 A good beginning is half the battle.

85、 The field of wheat spreads out too far too we can see.

86、 Have you got some clothes wash?

87、 He like sing.

88、 True love is worth looking for and fighting for.

89、 To sum extent, this kind of machine is more reliable.

90、 I didn't feel terribly shocked.


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