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 2023-12-17 17:19:41   爱真题   329 

Part Ⅰ Vocabulary

Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence, there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best one and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

1、 In ______ most countries, a university degree can give you ______ flying start in your career.

A. the; a           B. the; /          C. /; /            D. /; a

2、 Five days ______ enough for us to complete the assignment.

A. are                 B. have              C. is                D. has

3、 If you find this question too difficult to ______, it is advisable to leave it as it is and move on to the next one.

A. work out                                 B. work on

C. work for                                 D. work at

4、 The professor acts as if he ______ the king of a great kingdom.

A. is                  B. was               C. were              D. had been

5、 ______ of the twins was arrested because I saw them both at a party last night.

A. None                                  B. Both

C. Neither                                D. All

6、 Each morning, I have my wake-up call ring at 6:00 ______.

A. sharp              B. short             C. shut             D. shared

7、 The girl takes ______ of her sister and loves her very much.

A. care                B. delight           C. part              D. away

8、 Once you have a good ______ of English, job opportunities will favor you.

A. habit               B. hobby            C. grasp             D. view

9、 It is very important to ______ calm in an emergency.

A. raise               B. keep             C. wait              D. take

10、 A growing number of young adults are ______ in wildlife protection.

A. engaged           B. busy              C. popular           D. strict

11、 College students should actively participate ______ various volunteer activities.

A. in                B. /                 C. with              D. from

12、 Parents need to work with schools to help students fight addiction ______ smartphone use.

A. of               B. with             C. to               D. at

13、  Junk food like hamburgers and potato chips ______ our ability to think, learn and remember.

A. moves            B. harms            C. helps             D. controls

14、 To reduce food waste, each individual can ______ a difference.

A. create             B. provide           C. have              D. make

15、 The high-speed train has become a very important ______ of transportation in China.

A. means            B. mean             C. meaning          D. meant

16、 Seldom ______ from my brother since we moved here.

A. have we received                        B. we have received

C. did we receive                          D. we received

17、 Tom was very unhappy for ______ to the party.

A. having not been invited                 B. not having invited

C. having not invited                       D. not having been invited

18、 There is only one thing ______ I can do.

A. what            B. which           C. all              D. that

19、 People think that he is one of the most important ______ of the 20th  century popular culture.

A. doctors           B. farmers           C. figures            D. patients

20、 Being chased by a dog, Jack jumped ______ the fence.

A. up                B. over              C. on                D. from

Part Ⅱ Structure

Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence, there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best one and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

21、 There are 55 students in our class in all, most of ______ are from big cities.

A. that                                 B. which

C. who                                    D. whom

22、 In recent years, sandstorms ______ by 20 percent in China by planting trees.

A. have cut                                B. have been cut

C. are cut                                 D. are being cut

23、 Leadership means ______ just being a leader.

A. no more than                           B. no less than

C. more than                                 D. less than

24、 The parents insisted that the kid ______ to the kindergarten.

A. will be sent                             B. being sent

C. be sent                                 D. will send

25、 She has a really hard time ______, especially when it is cold outside.

A. wake up                                B. waking up

C. to wake up                              D. waken up

26、 That boy plays classical music, ______ pop and jazz.

A. as well                                 B. as well as

C. so as to                                 D. as if

27、 Schools are waiting ______ June 7 for students to make their final choice.

A. until             B. unless           C. if                D. as

28、 Neither the grandma nor the girl ______ anything about it.

A. know             B. knows            C. knowing          D. known

29、 It is surprising that people today often have smartphones ______ hand while ______ TV.

A. in; watch                              B. with; watching

C. in ; watching                          D. with ; watch

30、 ______ there is smoke, there is fire.

A. When             B. Meanwhile        C. However          D. Where

31、 Greater time ______ online often means less sell-control.

A. spent            B. spending         C. taken            D. taking

32、 Li Ming and his teammates are not the only ______ who are concerned about lack of exercise.

A. one               B. ones              C. those             D. these

33、 Hardly ______ got ready for the interview ______ the doorbell rang.

A. had she; when                        B. she had; when

C. had she; then                         D. she had ; then

34、 If it ______ so hard yesterday, we could have played football.

A. Wouldn't rained                        B. had rained

C. had not rained                          D. would have rained

35、 ______ the criticism, he tried to keep positive.

A. Where           B. Regardless       C. When            D. Despite

36、 When we get our tickets, ______ be marked "first class".

A. it is to           B. it will            C. they were to      D. they will

37、 ______ all behavior is learned behavior is a basic assumption of social scientists.

A. Nearly            B. When nearly      C. It is nearly       D. That nearly

38、 —All the people in this village have black hair.

—Yes, they all ______ each other.

A. resemble as                             B. resemble with

C. resemble                                D. resemble from

39、 His explanation made the problem ______.

A. even be more complicated               B. even more complicated

C. to be even more complicated            D. be even more complicated

40、 ______ we do, we should first think of the people.

A. That             B. Which           C. How             D. Whatever

Part Ⅲ Comprehension

Directions: There are five passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions. For each of them, there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best one and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Passage One

One Tuesday morning, Harry saw an ad in a window. It said, "Wanted. The Best Salesman in the World. Top Pay."

Harry thought he was a great salesman and went to ask for the job. "I am the best salesman in the woad," he said to the manager. "Give me the job."

"You must prove you're the best," the manager said.

"OK, I will!" Harry answered.

"Good!" The manager took a box of sweets out of his desk. "Last week I bought a thousand boxes of sweets. If you can sell them all before the end of the week, you can have the job," said the manager.

"That's easy," Harry said. He took the boxes of sweets and left the office.

Every day and all day, he went from shop to shop, trying to sell the boxes of sweets. He couldn't sell one. The sweets were too bad for him to sell. At the end of the week he went back to the manager. "I'm sorry, sir," he said. "I was wrong about myself. I'm not the best salesman in the world, but I know who is."

"Oh," said the manager. "Who?"

"The person who sold you a thousand boxes of these sweets," Harry said.

41、 Harry went to ask for the job because he was ______ himself at first.

A. afraid of          B. wrong with        C. sure of           D. worried about

42、 If Harry wanted to get the job, he would have to ______.

A. buy all the sweets from the manager

B. sell out all the sweets in a few days

C. eat up all the sweets

D. sell the sweets at the weekend

43、 Choose the right order (顺序) of this story. ______

① Harry went to ask for the job.

② Harry told the manager who the best seller really was.

③ Harry saw an ad in a window.

④ Harry went to sell the sweets.

A. ①—②—③—①              B. ④—③—②—①

C. ③—①—④—②             D. ③—④—②—①

44、 From this story we can see that ______.

A. Harry didn't get the job               B. Harry was a good seller

C. The manager was a good seller          D. The ad was a good one

45、 According to the story, which of the following is true? ______

A. Harry sold some of the sweets.

B. The sweets were too expensive.

C. Harry was an excellent salesman.

D. The sweets were terrible.

Passage Two

Subways are underground trains, which usually operate 24 hours a day. They are found in larger cities and usually run between the suburbs and the downtown area.  Maps and schedules are available from the ticket office.  If you take the subway often, you can save money by purchasing a monthly pass (月票).

City-operated buses run on various routes (线路) and are designed to be at certain places at certain times. Maps and schedules may be posted at certain stops, or they may be available at local banks, libraries, the student union, or from the bus drivers. Buses run mainly during the day. The fare is paid by exact change in coins or by monthly passes.

Taxis are generally more expensive in Holland than in other countries. If you use a taxi, be sure you ask the amount of the fare before you agree to ride. The driver usually expects a tip (小费) of 15 percent of the fare.

46、 According to the passage, subways are underground trains, which usually run ______.

A. within downtown areas

B. away from city centers

C. in or outside big modem cities

D. between suburbs and city centers

47、 You can get the maps and schedules of the subways ______.

A. at bus stations                          B. at local banks

C. in any bookstore                        D. from the ticket office

48、 From the passage we learn that ______.

A. buses are always available in 24 hours

B. bus riders have to buy monthly passes

C. bus fare is paid by exact change in coins

D. buses are the best means of transportation

49、 When you take a taxi, you'd better ______.

A. buy a monthly pass

B. ask about the fare first

C. agree on the amount of the tip

D. pay by the exact change in coins

50、 The passage mainly tells us about ______.

A. the bus and train fares in Holland

B. the ways of paying for a taxi in Holland

C. the public transportation in Holland

D. the advantage of subways in Holland

Passage Three

Each time we produce a new English dictionary, our aim is always the same: what can we do to make the dictionary more helpful to students of English? As a result of our research with students and discussions with teachers, we decided to focus on providing more examples for this English dictionary.

Examples help students to remember the word they have looked up in the dictionary because it is easier both to remember and to understand a word within a context (上下文). The examples also show that words are often used in many different contexts. For these reasons, we have included 40 percent more examples in this new book.

We edit (编辑) all the examples to get rid of difficult words and to make sure they are easier to understand.

We very much hope this new book will be of use not only to the students of English but also to the teachers.

51、 The aim of the author in producing this new dictionary is to ______.

A. correct mistakes in the old dictionary

B. make it more helpful to students

C. increase the number of words

D. add pictures and photos

52、 A word is easier to remember and understand if it is ______.

A. included in a word list                  B. pronounced correctly

C. explained in English                    D. used in a context

53、 What is special about this new dictionary? ______

A. It is small and cheap.

B. It has a larger vocabulary.

C. It has 40% more examples.

D. It is designed for students and teachers.

54、 The purpose of getting rid of difficult words in the examples is to ______.

A. make them easier to understand

B. provide more useful words

C. introduce more contexts

D. include more examples

55、 The passage is most probably taken from ______.

A. a letter to the editor

B. a comment on a novel

C. an introduction to a dictionary

D. a news report in the newspaper

Passage Four

Many post-80s couples are complaining that going to the movies, shopping or attending parties has become impossible since their kids were born. That's the way most parents are living their lives, no weekends of their own, no time to visit friends, or not even a chance of promotion in their jobs.

Asking for help from their parents might be a way out, but problems are that some aging parents are not strong enough to take care of the kids, and that the kids may also become too spoiled by their grandparents.

Then, here comes a solution: families with kids can form a small group, and parents of each family can take turns to look after all the kids in this group on weekends. Thus, other parents can have some quiet time and feel free to do something they've been planning for a long time. At the same time, the kids can make new friends and won't be hanging around with their parents all day long. This is baby-pooling.

56、 Many post-80s couples can't go to the movies, shop or attend parties because ______.

A. they have to look after their kids

B. they have to look after their parents

C. they are busy with their work

D. they have no money

57、 In Paragraph 2, "a way out" means ______.

A. a solution                               B. out of date

C. without question                         D. a complaint

58、 According to the last paragraph,  the solution to the problem of post-80s couples is that ______.

A. families with kids form a small group

B. they ask their aging parents for help

C. they give up their jobs

D. they take their kids wherever they go

59、 What is(are) the advantage(s) of baby-pooling? ______

A. The parents can have much more free time.

B. The kids can make new friends.

C. The kids won't be hanging around with their parents all day long.

D. All of the above.

60、 The passage mainly discusses ______.

A. post-80s couples and their friends

B. post-80s couples and baby-pooling

C. post-80s couples and their parents

D. kids and their grandparents

Passage Five

Reading is the key to school success and, like any skill, it takes practice. A child learns to walk by practicing until he no longer has to think about how to put one foot in front of the other. A great athlete practices until he can play quickly, accurately (准确地), and without thinking. Tennis players call that "being in the zone". Educators call it "automaticity".

A child learns to read by sounding out the letters and decoding the words. With practice, he stumbles less and less, reading by the phrase. With automaticity, he does not have to think about decoding the words, so he can concentrate on the meaning of the text.

It can begin as early as first grade. In a recent study of children in some schools, Alan Rossman of Northwestern University found automatic readers in the first grade who were reading almost three times as fast as the other children and scoring twice as high on comprehension tests. At fifth grade, the automatic readers were reading twice as fast as the others, and still outscoring them on accuracy, comprehension and vocabulary.

"It is not IQ but the amount of time a child spends reading that is the key to automaticity," according to Rossman. Any child who spends at least 3. 5 to 4 hours a week reading books, magazines or newspapers will in all likelihood reach automaticity. At home, where an average child spends 25 hours a week watching television, it can happen by turning off the set just one night in favor of reading.

You can test your child by giving him a paragraph or two to read aloud—something unfamiliar but appropriate to his age. If he reads aloud with expression, with a sense of the meanings of the sentences, he probably is an automatic reader. If he reads haltingly (断断续续地), one word at a time, without expression or meaning, he needs more practice.

61、 The first paragraph tells us ______.

A. how a child learns to walk

B. how a tennis player learns to play

C. how an athlete is trained

D. what automaticity is

62、 How does a child learn to read? ______

A. By sounding out the letters and decoding the words.

B. By reciting the phrases.

C. By concentrating on the meaning of the text.

D. By reading several times.

63、 A recent study in some schools reveals that the automatic reader's high-speed reading ability ______.

A. costs him a lot of work

B. disturbs his comprehension

C. enables him to succeed in school

D. doesn't affect his comprehension

64、 A bright child ______.

A. also needs practice to be an automatic reader

B. always achieves great success in comprehension

C. becomes an automatic reader after learning how to read

D. is a born automatic reader

65、 The main idea of this passage is ______.

A. how to score high on comprehension tests

B. that reading is the key to school success

C. how to test your children's reading ability

D. that automaticity is important for efficient reading

Part Ⅳ Cloze

Directions: There are 15 blanks in the following passage. For each blank, there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best one that fits into the passage and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Scientists believe that apes and people had ancestors  66   though they also believe that human beings are not descended from apes.  That evolution which has happened is  67   few scientists can doubt.  68   it has happened is something that still is discussed. Most  69   now believe that Charles Darwin went very near the truth in his theory of evolution  70   natural selection. He pointed out that living things  71  . They differ  72   speed, in strength, and in all sorts of small ways, and many of these differences are  73  —that is, they are passed on to later generations. He also pointed out that an  74   struggle for existence is always going on.  In this struggle it is the fittest that  75   and the fittest are those that are best  76   to the life they lead. So creatures which possess variations that  77   survival live and reproduce their kind and those which do not have their variations  78  . In this way the favorable variations will,  79   Darwin, gradually appear in all those animals.

Darwin first thought of his theory in about 1840 but he went on  80   collecting evidence for nearly 20 years.

66、 A. in common                              B. out of common

C. commonly                               D. with common origin

67、 A. anything          B. something        C. nothing          D. thing

68、 A. What             B. Whether         C. If               D. How

69、 A. psychologists      B. idealists          C. botanists         D. biologists

70、 A. in               B. for              C. with             D. by

71、 A. modify             B. vary               C. verify              D. reform

72、 A. at                B. by               C. in               D. from

73、 A. preserved         B. inserted           C. rehearsed         D. inherited

74、 A. intensive          B. intense           C. impressive        D. intimate

75、 A. improve           B. maintain          C. survive           D. advance

76、 A. adapted          B. adopted          C. exposed          D. defined

77、 A. favor              B. influence         C. initiate           D. govern

78、 A. exhaust           B. die out           C. vibrate            D. withdraw

79、 A. referring to        B. due to            C. on behalf of      D. according to

80、 A. patently          B. patiently         C. partially         D. potentially

Part Ⅴ Translation

Directions: Each of the following sentences is followed by four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best translation and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

81、 The clothes one wears determine the interviewer's first impression.





82、 First of all, I appreciate your advice on my decision to go to work in the computer company.





83、 There have been some changes in the diet of the Chinese.





84、 The successful completion of the book is the cooperation of many people.





85、 The wish to buy things you don't really need or want can be very strong!






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