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 2023-12-28 21:44:39   爱真题   351 

Part Ⅰ Vocabulary and Structure

Directions: There are 30 incomplete statements in this part.  You are required to complete each one by choosing the most appropriate word or expression from the four choices marked A, B, C and D, then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET.

1、 We're trying to ______ a few thousand dollars every year for our vacation.

A. put off           B. put aside         C. put out           D. put down

2、 When we plan our future life, our mother often offers ______ suggestions.

A. medical          B. practical          C. musical           D. physical

3、 After the death of his mother, the boy was sold to a rich man just in the neighboring area, from ______ house he tried to escape several times.

A. whom            B. his               C. whose            D. which

4、 ______ a second chance, I will finish the task as planned and do it better.

A. Giving           B. Given            C. To give           D. Give

5、 To our delight, a large number of government officials who ______ their power have been well punished.

A. ignored          B. abused           C. obtained          D. countered

6、 Having been found guilty, the beautiful girl was given a severe ______ by the judge.

A. service          B. sentence          C. crime             D. crisis

7、 Some women ______ a good salary in a job instead of staying home, but they decided not to work for the sake of their families.

A. must make       B. will have made   C. would make      D. could have made

8、 A lot of ants are always invading my kitchen. They are a thorough ______.

A. nuisance         B. trouble           C. worry             D. anxiety

9、 I'd ______ Smith's reputation with other farmers and business people in the community, and then could make a decision about whether or not to approve a loan.

A. take into account   B. account for       C. make up for      D. make out

10、 The boss was critical ______ the way we were doing the work.

A. at    B. in    C. of    D. with

11、 The foreigner speaks Chinese ______ as a native speaker does.

A. so fluently    B. as fluently    C. so fluent    D. as fluent0

12、 At first, the professor was referring to the problem of pollution in the country, but halfway in her speech, she suddenly ______ to another subject.

A.committed    B.switched    C.favored    D.transmitted

13、 ______ the world's first compass was invented by the Chinese people is a well-known historical fact.

A. When          B. Where           C. What            D. That

14、 ______ that Tom was able to set up new branches elsewhere.

A. So successful his business was        B. So successful was his business

C. So his business was successful        D. So was his successful business

15、 Unfortunately, ______ box hit her on ______ head and she got injured.

A. the; a         B. a; /            C. a; the           D. the; the

16、 It is important to pay your water bill on time, as late payment may affect your

A. condition       B. income           C. status             D. credit

17、 She ______ me 20 yuan for the service, but at first she told me it would be ______.

A. charged; free of charge

B. charged for; charged for nothing

C. charged; out of the charge

D. charged to; free of charge

18、 When ______, the girl said she went home at midnight, ______ and only ______ her house broken into.

A. asked; tired; to find                 B. asking; tired; finding

C. asked; tiredly; to find               D. asking; tiredly; to find

19、 Neither Mary nor her brother has finished ______ homework.

A. his             B. their              C. her               D. one's

20、 There is a lot of evidence ______ too much stress is harmful to the health of young persons.

A. what           B. which            C. that              D. as

21、 You must get there before 8 o' clock. That's ______ you have to start so early.

A. why                                  B. the reason that

C. the reason for why                    D. why that

22、 It ______ in the street ______ I met my manager.

A. is; when        B. was; that         C. is; that           D. was; when

23、 You can't afford to let the situation get worse. You must take ______ to put it right.

A. decisions       B. directions         C. sides             D. steps

24、 Steven often attempts to escape ______ whenever he breaks traffic regulations.

A. having been fined                     B. to have been fined

C. being fined                             D. to be fined

25、 A healthy life is frequently thought to be ______ with the open countryside and homegrown food.

A. tied            B. bound            C. involved          D. associated

26、 A 1500-kilometer railway will be ______ as a major means of transport for this city.

A. attainable       B. available          C. applicable        D. approachable

27、 The rain was heavy and ______ the land was flooded.

A. consequently                        B. continuously

C. constantly                            D. consistently

28、 The president made a ______ speech at the graduation ceremony, which encouraged the students greatly.

A. vigorous        B. tedious           C. flat              D. harsh

29、 Faced with such a dilemma of how to preserve the old buildings, the city government hoped to ______ a better solution.

A. catch up with                      B. keep up with

C. put up with                           D. come up with

30、 It is recommended that the project ______ until all the preparations have been made.

A. is not to be started                   B. will not be started

C. is not started                        D. not be started

Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension

Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or incomplete statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET.

Passage One

Early national concepts of fame differ greatly from their late-twentieth- and early-twenty-first-century equivalents. While today fame suggests little more than notoriety (坏名声), in the early national period it encompassed an entire ethic(道德规范).

The concept of fame had particular power among the early national political elite, though its roots reached back to the beginnings of Western civilization; Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans, by Plutarch, was a literal guide to gathering fame, describing and ranking a series of heroes who had achieved immortal fame—the highest of goals. In the early American Republic, young gentlemen schooled to find models of personal behavior in Plutarch and other classical texts received this idea from a young age. As Alexander Hamilton put it in The Federalist Papers, "the love of fame" was the "ruling passion of the noblest minds".

As suggested by Plutarch' s image of great men, a man earned fame by doing great deeds for the state.  Francis Bacon mapped out a hierarchy of such acts in his widely read The Essays, assigning fame to "fathers of their country who reigned justly, "champions of the empire" who defended or expanded territories, "saviors of empire" who coped with national crises, lawgivers who governed descendants through their laws, and—highest of all—"founders of states and commonwealths". For early national leaders engaged in the creation of a new nation, this sensibility infused (注入) their political efforts with a sense of lofty purpose as well as deep personal meaning.

Seekers of fame wanted to make history and leave their mark on the world. America's founding generation assumed that they were doing just that. "We live in an important era and in a new-country," Benjamin Rush observed in 1788. "Much good may be done by individuals and that too in a short time." Fame was considered a noble passion because it transformed ambition and self-interest into a desire to achieve great goals that served the public good. Even as fame fueled and inspired a man's ambitions, it reined them in; one could only achieve everlasting fame through public service. In essence, fame was a selfish virtue, enabling leaders to be simultaneously self-serving and public-minded; in a sense, it humanized the seemingly lofty and unreachable ideal of community-minded republican virtue.

31、 From the early national period to today, the idea of fame has changed ______.

A. from "good name" to "being well known"

B. from "noble passion" to "good name"

C. from "being powerful" to "being ambitious"

D. from "being ethical" to "being selfish"

32、 We can learn from Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans ______.

A. what fathers of the country had accomplished

B. how Greeks and Romans sought fame

C. how Greek and Roman heroes gathered fame

D. what Alexander Hamilton valued

33、 What does "lofty purpose" (underlined in Paragraph 3) of the early national leaders refer to.9

A. Seeking fame.                        B. Making political efforts.

C. Leaving a mark on the world.         D. Creating a new nation.

34、 Why could leaders be both sell:serving and public-minded?

A. Because fame drove them to become selfish.

B. Because they realized ambitions through public service.

C. Because their ideal was both lofty and unreachable.

D. Because fame inspired their ambitions.

35、 What does this passage mainly talk about?

A. Two different concepts of fame.

B. Concepts of fame in the early national period.

C. Noble passion of early national leaders.

D. Concepts of fame and ambition.

Passage Two

Corruption requires two actors—the supplier of the bribe and the one who receives the bribe. And it can be of two types—public bribing or private bribing. In public bribing, a person makes an illegal offer of something of value in order to influence civil servants, political authorities or parties in exchange for a favorable decision from a person holding public office or having political influence.

Bribes can be used to allocate(分配) legal benefits such as foreign exchange, import licenses, credit or public contracts, or they may provide something the briber does not deserve, such as an exemption(免除) from a valid regulation, a discretionary(自由决定的) tax break or a permission to carry on an illegal business. Private bribing, on the other hand, is directed to private individuals, aiming to help forward private interests. Bribery comes in many guises. Exchange of money but also gifts and other advantages—such as membership of an exclusive club or promises of scholarships for children, are all different manifestations of it. Whatever form it takes, bribery is always a two-way transaction: it requires a supply side (the briber) and a demand side (the one who receives the bribe). That is why measures against it must be designed to hit both sides of the corruption equation.

Another aspect of bribery is that it can occur in many different sectors of the economy. A commonly cited and morally reprehensible (应谴责的) form is when government officials abuse public trust by accepting bribes from private businesses. However, the distinction between the private and public sectors have been blurred by privatization and corruption within the private sector. While not as common, bribes happen among public officials too. There are different degrees of bribery too. "Petty corruption" usually involves small sums paid to low level officials to "grease the wheels" or cut through bureaucratic red tape. The headlines making cases of large multinational companies paying millions of dollars to government leaders to obtain lucrative (有利的) business contracts are examples of bribery on a grander scale. Both forms, however, can have serious consequences on the economic, political and legal institutions of our countries.

36、 What is the main topic of the passage?

A. Public bribery and private bribery     B. The degrees of bribery

C. Corruption and bribery                D. Combating corruption

37、 According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

A. "Petty corruption" mostly takes place in the low level of officials.

B. Giving small gifts in exchange for favors from public officials is not really bribery.

C. Bribes in public sectors are not as common as those in the private sectors.

D. Bribery appears in different forms and different levels.

38、 Bribery may come in the form of ______.

A. promises of scholarships for children

B. exchange of money and gifts

C. membership of an exclusive club

D. all of the above

39、 It seems that an effective way of eliminating bribery is ______.

A. to stop the offense of both the briber and the bribe receiver

B. to bring criminal charges against the offenders

C. to make the offenders pay higher costs for the benefits they gain

D. to enforce more rigorous punishment

40、 Which of the following writing styles does the passage belong to?

A. Expressive.     B. Narrative.         C. Persuasive.       D. Informative.

Passage Three

For the weekend, I am alone in my own house. There were no kids saying "I'm hungry" or complaining that there was nothing in the fridge to drink. No one asking me questions or making messes, no laundry to be done and no meals to prepare for anyone except myself. There was no energy in the house apart from my own. Surprisingly, I couldn't decide whether I liked it.

This morning I had felt overwhelmed with all the possibilities. I could go window-shopping or see a movie. I could call a friend for lunch or take a walk. In the end, all I wanted to do was empty my thoughts and enjoy the quiet, immersing(沉浸) myself to the point of getting sick of it.

I think I've succeeded. Twelve hours into my solitude, I'm a bit bored and lonely, a situation unfathomable(深不可测的) a mere day ago. I'm ready for some activity around me, ready for some kids traipsing(漫步) in and out and slamming doors, bringing dirt with them on their shoes. I am even ready for a few completely unreasonable requests, such as that I make them dinner. Mostly I'm ready for some laughter and conversation.

Despite these conflicting feelings, I find this experience highly clarifying. With the house finally quiet enough for me to hear myself think, I am left with the cozy notion that I love the frenzy(狂) of my busy life, that the quiet I often long for is nice, but only for a little while. That life just about me even for a day is not all it's cracked up to be, and that joy comes from interacting with others and getting things done.

I have another day of solitude tomorrow, but it won't be so lazy. I'll crank up(开动) the stereo, get to work on some long-neglected projects and connect with a friend. One day of quiet is quite enough.

41、 The word "energy" (underlined in Paragraph 1 ) probably means ______.

A. the capacity of matter or radiation to do work

B. the power obtained from electricity, coal, or water

C. physical and intellectual vigor

D. one's time and effort to do something

42、 The author felt overwhelmed with all the following EXCEPT ______.

A. going window-shopping

B. seeing a film

C. emptying her thoughts and enjoying the quiet

D. telephoning one of her friends for lunch

43、 According to Paragraph 3, the author feels like ______ after being alone.

A. her regular life was boring and lonely

B. her regular life was busy and enjoyable

C. her regular life never gave her time to relax

D. her regular life never made her ready

44、 Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. The author has longed to live alone for a long time.

B. The author no longer likes to have quiet moments in her life.

C. The author feels very lonely after being alone for a day.

D. The author still enjoys the busy life with her family.

45、 We can infer from the passage that the author is a ______.

A. young unmarried lady who enjoys living on her own

B. very old woman who needs others as her companion

C. middle-aged woman who has been having a busy life

D. newly married lady who wants to live by herself

Passage Four

To improve the precision of gene testing, scientists needed to spell out the actual DNA sequence of disease-fostering genes(the order of the A, C, G and T). This endeavor was greatly aided by the development of a method for rapidly sequencing DNA by Harvard University researchers in 1977. One of the researchers, Walter Gilbert, had been trying to understand how particular genes in bacteria were turned off( prevented from generating the proteins for which they code) and he saw that he would not make much improvement unless he could determine the sequence of particular segments of the bacterial DNA. He then worked with his colleague Allan Maxam to invent a novel method that combined chemicals that cut DNA only at specific bases with radioactive labeling and Southern blotting to determine quickly the precise sequence of long DNA segments. A different but equally successful DNA sequencing method was developed at about the same time by Frederick Sanger in Cambridge, England.

In the early 1980s, the Maxam-Gilbert and Sanger methods for DNA sequencing were improved and automated to speed the process. The pinpointing of disease-fostering genes could now proceed relatively quickly. Using a technique called positional cloning, researchers first zero in on the chromosome (染色体) likely to house a disease gene by using chromosomal staining, in hybridization(杂交), or other techniques. Once the chromosomal home of the disease gene has been identified, they look for other genetic markers in that location that are tightly linked to the disease. They then determine the sequence of the DNA bases in the region of the telltale markers. They know that their search is over if they pinpoint a DNA sequence that is found only in the people with the disease in question. Positional cloning has thus far been used to find over 50 disease genes.

46、 Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Walter Gilbert is a researcher in Harvard University.

B. Allan Maxam and Walter Gilbert worked together on DNA sequencing.

C. Frederick Sanger and Allan Maxam worked on DNA sequencing in different countries.

D. Frederick Sanger was more successful than Walter Gilbert and Allan Maxam.

47、 The phrase "This endeavor" ( underlined in Paragraph 1) refers to the effort ______.

A. to spell out the actual DNA sequence of disease-fostering genes

B. to understand how particular genes in bacteria were turned off

C. to develop a novel method for rapidly sequencing DNA

D. to make many improvements in DNA sequencing research

48、 The passage was written in the order of ______.

A. space                                B. process

C. time                                    D. importance

49、 The phrase "zero in on" ( underlined in Paragraph 2) most probably means "______".

A. depend on      B. focus on          C. are bent on       D. look on

50、 Positional cloning is directly useful in ______.

A. determining the sequence of DNA     B. looking for genetic markers

C. finding disease genes                 D. improving gene testing

Part Ⅲ Cloze

Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage and mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET.

The challenges faced by all child protection caseworkers are obvious.  51   is often not so obvious are the many rewards a caseworker career  52   People often ask  53   anybody in their right mind would want to be a child protection caseworker, habitually dealing  54   the most disadvantaged and troubled families in their community. Caseworkers routinely  55   disturbing cases of child abuse and neglect, and clients who are not cooperative. Being a caseworker means being an agent of positive change,  56   when the welfare sector is not just a job to you,  57   a professional vocation.

Child protection is a difficult and  58   career path to follow, but the rewards do exist. Many of our caseworkers choose this career path out of a desire to  59   to the community. To be part of a process can  60   change a family's life, and caseworkers may  61   their intervention equipping a young person so that his or her future  62   are improved. Of course, this does not  63   with every intervention. But when it happens, it is a(n)  64   experience. And if you are wondering whether this experience makes the job worthwhile, the answer is YES!

A good indicator of how outside people  65   the caseworker career has been the feedback from university students. In 2006 there were 118 students on placement(实习) of caseworker careers. Those students who completed their placements in child protection told us about the great  66   they had had to  67   theory to practice, the many chances of learning new skills and trying new tasks, the sound knowledge  68   through training, and how  69   becoming familiar with different welfare services was  70   their future career.

51、 A. When          B. Which            C. What             D. Such

52、 A. remains         B. offers             C. maintains         D. represents

53、 A. why             B. where             C. when              D. what

54、 A. with           B. at               C. in              D. to

55、 A. come up        B. come across       C. come to           D. come at

56、 A. especially       B. remarkably       C. necessarily        D. essentially

57、 A. besides         B. except            C. in addition        D. but

58、 A. rewarding       B. considering       C. challenging       D. compensating

59、 A. contribute       B. owe               C. attach             D. correspond

60、 A. exclusively      B. ultimately         C. intimately         D. individually

61、 A. access          B. identify           C. notify             D. witness

62、 A. prospects       B. purposes          C. aspects           D. respects

63、 A. rise            B. occur             C. emerge           D. appear

64、 A. interesting      B. rewarding         C. relaxing          D. responding

65、 A. look into        B. look after         C. look at           D. look out

66、 A. necessity       B. opportunity       C. reality           D. probability

67、 A. enforce         B. reply             C. apply             D. attach

68、 A. available       B. acceptable        C. advisable         D. considerable

69、 A. approachable   B. possible          C. suitable           D. valuable

70、 A. on             B. to               C. from             D. in

Part Ⅳ Error Correction

Directions: There are 10 sentences.  Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts marked A, B, C and D. You are required to identify the one that is incorrect, and then write the corresponding letter and the correct answer on the ANSWER SHEET.

71、 The experience of sightseeing in the wonderful island is extremely exciting and I am moving to tears.

72、  Mothers is well-known for considering the needs of the family more important than their own.

73、 Efforts to resolve the conflict in the Middle East, that has caused more than 100 deaths since February of last year, have so far been fruitless.

74、 No matter how promising your situation is, or how creative you can be, hard work is always essential for your success.

75、 The people loved her such much that they nicknamed her "Evita" and long after her death, many Argentines continue to worship her.

76、 The poem wasn't written to give a realistic account of the war but to glorifying those men who were killed in the war, giving some comfort to their friends and relatives.

77、 We aim to provide and extend a welfare service and raise many thousand of pounds annually to sponsor medical research.

78、 After considering your background and experience,  we regret inform you that we don't have an appropriate job opportunity for you at the current stage.

79、 Their ability to decode the genetic message encapsulated in DNA was affect by the great number of such messages carried in the DNA of each cell.

80、 I should tell you that you will find it hard to make friends that young man.

Part Ⅴ Translation

Directions: Translate the following sentences into Chinese and write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.

81、 Eating does not just mean filling the stomach; being able to enjoy a good taste of food, and knowing what and how to eat are all viewed as good fortune. Probably no other countries or regions in this world have as great a variety of delicious food and as long and rich food culture as China.

82、 There is so much more meaning to a message than what exists in the spoken or written words. Context, the tone of voice, the stress put on certain words, as well as the eye contact, physical distance, and relationship between the speaker and the listener are all factors which give meaning to what's being said. Sometimes, these factors can generate much more meaning than the words themselves.

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English and write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.






Part Ⅵ Writing

88、Directions: For this part, you're required to write a composition on the topic The Battle Against COVID-19 Pandemic based on the outline given in Chinese below. Please write it on the ANSWER SHEET with at least 150 words.





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